OMG, the worm has turned…! The queen of “social fashion” and heretofore heavily covered in makeup, Kim Kardashian, has done it. She’s followed Alicia Keys‘ lead and gone makeup free to a public event! That’s right, Kim Kardashian, the leader of the flawlessly and heavily makeup-ed Kardashian clan, attended the Balenciaga fashion show in Paris (apparently) without so much as a simple smudge of makeup.
This pun is intended: hard to make it up!
Our reaction at LoveRealBeauty? We love it! We love a great story about makeup, cosmetics, and beauty products. We love the fact that Kim is coming out of her makeup shell. I mean, the woman is beautiful. Whatever you think of her personality, the reality show, the Kanye relationship – the media personality of “Kim” – one thing is pretty clear. Even without any makeup on, Kim is a beautiful woman.
We hope to see Kim doing #nomakeup again soon. It shows courage, versatility and imagination. Yes, there are times when makeup is desired and the norm. And, there are times when no makeup is just fine – even for Kim Kardashian. Even for you?
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Photo Credit: Bertrand Rindoff Petroff/Getty Images